In 23R1, the Brand Portal and Medical Portal are enhanced with new user interfaces that modernize the portal experience offering increased display maximums, rich text, and improved editing capabilities.

These new ways of curating and editing Portals in your Vault replace the existing legacy Brand and Medical Portals.

Settings & Enablement

Enabling the new Portal in Admin > Settings > Application Settings > Update Portal Homepage User Interface disables the legacy Portal.

Enablement in 23R1

As of 23R1, Admins can enable the new Portal setting.

  • In Vaults created on or before 22R3, Admins must enable the setting manually.

  • In Vaults created on or after 23R1, the setting is automatically enabled.

Enablement in 23R3

The new Portal will be enabled by default in all existing and new PromoMats and MedComms Vaults as of 23R3.

Admins will not be able to disable the new Portal interface or re-enable the legacy interface.

New Portal Highlights

The new Portal gives teams a greatly-improved user interface for working with digital assets and commercial content. Teams configuring and using the new Portal benefit from a flexible, modern user interface with an improved Portal editor.

The updated Portal includes the following features:

  • Increased display maximums for Carousel and Document widgets
  • Revamped modern interface
  • Rich text fields

Updated Portal user interface

Updated Portal user interface

Known Issues & Limitations

The following items are known limitations to or defects of the new Brand and Medical Portals, which will be updated in future releases:

  • If a user is added to a document with the Viewer role, and the document lifecycle is configured with Download Source unchecked for Viewers, Vault incorrectly displays the Download button on the portal for the user. If the user attempts to download the source, a download starts before Vault displays a “File not found” error.

Enablement Considerations

Before upgrading to the new Portal interface, we recommend considering the following:

  • New Portals do not use the Portal Experience User checkbox. Admins can assign the Portal Experience User security profile to continue to limit user access to Portals.
  • New Portals open in fullscreen mode, and cannot display within the context of Vault. Vault does not display the header while in a new Portal.
  • After enabling the new Portal, an Admin must manually increase the display maximums in Vaults with existing Portals to the new limits.

Users with appropriate permissions to use the legacy Portal are able to access the new Portal without any additional security configuration. See the Portal Overview for more information about Portal access.