You can use the bulk editing options to make changes on up to 1,000 object records at once. You can edit object record field values, delete object records, or change the state of object records that are in object lifecycles.

How to Select Object Records

To select object records for a bulk action:

  1. You can work with object records from Admin > Business Admin. Some Vaults also include custom object tabs that allow access to records outside the Admin area.
  2. Use search or filters to narrow down the list of records. Once you’ve started the bulk editing process, you can deselect individual records, but you can only search at this stage.
  3. From the Actions menu, choose Perform Bulk Action. This will select all records visible on the current page.
  4. From the Refine Selection page, review the list of selected records and deselect any that you do not want to include in the bulk edit.
  5. Click Next. See below for help on the various bulk options.

Select Objects from Reports

Selecting objects from a report is especially useful if you’re editing many object records. In this situation, create a report with a filter that specifies the desired records. Note that you can only edit records on one object at a time. If the report is grouped, you must expand the grouping to select the records.

To select report objects for a bulk action:

  1. Run a tabular (not matrix) report that returns objects. These reports will have a report type like Product with Campaign or Case Responses.
  2. From the section’s All Actions menu above the list of records, choose Perform Bulk Action.
  3. In the Select Object dialog, select the object to perform an action on.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. From the Refine Selection page, review the list of selected documents and deselect any that you do not want to include in the bulk edit.
  6. Click Next. See below for help on the various bulk options.

How to Update Object Fields

To update object fields, you must have the Objects: Edit permission on the selected object records.

See above for information on how to select object records for editing. To update the fields after selection:

  1. From the Choose Action page, select Edit Fields.
  2. Click Next.
  3. On the Edit Fields page, Vault displays all editable fields on the selected object records. Fields that are inactive or require unique values are not available for bulk editing.
  4. Edit a field value across all object records by clicking the Edit field (pencil) icon and entering the new value. If the field is already populated on a record, this new value will replace the existing value. If you edit the field, but leave it empty, Vault will clear the field across all selected records.
  5. Optional: Reset a field to its existing values by clicking the Revert (circular arrow) icon.
  6. Click Next.
  7. From the Confirmation page, review the summary of changes.
  8. Click Finish. Vault processes the records asynchronously.

How to Delete Object Records

To delete object records, you must have the Objects: Delete permission on the selected object records.

See above for information on how to select object records for deletion. To delete the records after selection:

  1. From the Choose Action page, select Delete Records.
  2. Click Next to open the Confirmation page and review the summary of object records you chose for deletion. This action cannot be reversed. Note that certain situations may prevent you from deleting object records.
  3. Click Finish. Vault processes the records asynchronously.

How to Change Object Record States

To change the state of object records, you must have the Objects: Edit permission on the selected object records. You can only change the state of records that are in the same lifecycle state, so Vault displays only the available states by lifecycle and state.

See above for information on how to select object records for bulk state change. To change the records to another state after selection:

  1. From the Choose Action page, select Change State.
  2. Click Next.
  3. On the Choose State Change page, select the new state for your object records.
  4. Click Next to open the Confirmation page. Review the summary of changes before moving on.
  5. Click Finish. Vault processes the records asynchronously.

How to Create Placeholders from EDL Items

You can create up to 1,000 placeholders for a set of EDL Item records. For each EDL Item, Vault creates one or more placeholders based on the difference between the # Expected and the All Document Count field values. Vault uses fields on the EDL Item record as defaults for similar document fields on the created placeholders.

  1. From the Choose Action page, select Create Placeholders.
  2. Click Next to open the Confirmation page. Review the summary of changes before moving on.
  3. Click Finish. Vault processes the records asynchronously.

How to Perform Bulk Custom Record Actions

You can perform custom record actions created with the Vault Java SDK and enabled for bulk action on up to 1,000 object records:

  1. From the Choose Action page, select Record Actions.
  2. Click Next.
  3. On the Choose Record Action page, select the custom record action to perform on your object records.
  4. Click Next.
  5. If prompted for input, provide it as needed.
  6. Review the summary of changes on the Confirmation page before moving on.
  7. Click Finish. Vault processes the custom record action asynchronously.

Vault’s comprehensive security settings can control which users have access to bulk object record updates.

Type Permission Description
Security Profile Application: Object: Bulk Action You must have a security profile that grants the Application: Object: Bulk Action permission to see the Actions menu which allows you to access bulk action options. This permission, combined with the correct object permissions below, allows you to edit fields, delete records, and change states using bulk actions.
Security Profile Object: Edit To update object fields or change object states, you must have Edit permission on the object
Security Profile Object: Delete To delete object records, you must have Delete permission on the object.

For objects using Custom Sharing Rules, you must have the Owner or Editor role on the individual object records to be edited or deleted.

Bulk Action Processing Time

Bulk changes occur “asynchronously,” meaning that there may be a delay before you see the changes, particularly on Vaults with a lot of activity. Once you confirm a bulk action, Vault puts the changes in a queue with other asynchronous tasks. When the changes are complete, a notice appears in your Notifications page and Vault sends a notification email.