Emails sent from Vault may fail to deliver for several reasons. If an email produces a hard bounce and fails to deliver permanently, Vault adds the email address to the Email Suppression List and will not attempt to send further emails to that address.

After Vault adds the email address to the suppression list, the Email Notification Status page updates the status of any emails that should be sent to this address as Blocked.

Managing the Email Suppression List

You can navigate to Admin > Operations > Email Suppression List to view the suppression list. The Email Suppression List page tracks suppressed email addresses, the reason for the suppression, and the suppression date.

You can also search for suppressed email addresses, names, and suppression reasons. To sort the columns, click the headings.

To remove an email address from the list, click the Actions menu next to the address and select Remove from Suppression List. You cannot manually add email addresses to the suppression list.

Disabling the Email Suppression List

To disable the email suppression list, navigate to Admin > Configuration > Email Settings and clear the Enable Email Suppression List checkbox.

You can manage the suppression list with the standard System Admin or Vault Owner security profile. If your Vault uses custom security profiles, your profile must grant the following permissions:

Type Permission Label Controls
Security Profile Objects: Suppressed Email Address: Read Ability to view the Email Suppression list.
Security Profile Admin: Operations: Email Notification Status: Read Ability to view the Email Notification Status and Email Suppression List pages.
Security Profile Admin: Operations: Email Notification Status: Delete Ability to delete a record from the Email Suppression list.