This article details how to create, send, publish, preview, and withdraw CLM content. For general information about CLM Integration, see About CLM Integration.

How to Add CLM Content

The process below details the steps you’ll need to complete in order to publish content to CLM. Generally, you won’t follow these steps all at once.

  1. Create a new document by uploading a source file. You can upload a PDF, image, or video file for Vault to auto-generate a distribution package. For HTML content, you can manually upload a ZIP file distribution package as the original source file.
  2. Set the Document Type to Multichannel Slide.
  3. Set the document field Publish for Veeva CRM (CLM) to Yes.
  4. Set any additional document fields that are needed and finish the document creation process. Once the document is created and Vault has finished auto-generating distribution packages, Vault sends the content to CLM. (See details about sending and distributing).
  5. Create a binder and set its Document Type to Multichannel Presentation.
  6. Add Multichannel Slide documents to the Multichannel Presentation binder.
  7. Take the binder through its lifecycle.
  8. Log into CRM and sync with Vault. This action creates the records in CRM that match your Vault documents.

How to Use Relationships for CLM Content

When working with Multichannel Slide documents, you can use certain relationship types to connect the content in CRM:

  • Related Sub Presentation: Connects a binder to the Multichannel Slide document. The target binder must have the Multichannel Presentation document type and its Publish for Veeva CRM (CLM) field must be set to Yes. In CRM, the connected binder appears as a required sub-presentation to that slide.
  • Related Shared Resource: Connects another document to the Multichannel Slide document. The target document must have the Multichannel Slide document type. Typically, this document will contain a bundle of images, CSS or JS files that are used within the referring slide. The document must have the Shared Resource field set to Yes.

About Preview

The Preview CLM action allows you to preview your content in a browser window without having to publish to CRM and sync to a mobile device.

In order for CLM Preview to work, the latest version of the slides must undergo Send to CLM before you preview content.

How to Preview Content

To preview content:

  1. Open a Multichannel Presentation binder and choose Preview CLM from the Actions menu.
  2. If your binder has new or updated content, there may be a delay while Vault renders the preview. You’ll receive a notification when the process is complete.
  3. Once rendering is complete, return to the document and choose Preview CLM again. Subsequent previews for the same content do not require rendering and display immediately.
  4. Optional: Click the email button (envelope icon) to send yourself or colleagues outside your Vault a link to the preview page. We recommend using this option to preview mobile content on a smartphone or tablet. The link is active for seven (7) days.

Note that you cannot preview slides in Expired state. Slides with non-HTML content must use the auto-generated distribution package.

Content Rendering

Content rendering depends on how the HTML content is created. Because of browser limitations, some CLM content may not render accurately in the preview window. Popup blockers can also prevent the preview from opening.

For best preview results, open the preview using a mobile browser. From you web browser’s preview window, email the preview to yourself and open it on a mobile device.

How to Withdraw CLM Content

You can withdraw individual Multichannel Slide documents from CLM using the Withdraw from Stage CLM or Withdraw from Production CLM actions. If the documents have not yet been distributed, this will prevent distribution. If the documents are already distributed, this will make them unavailable for further distribution in CLM. Sales reps must sync their iPad or Windows device in order to remove the withdrawn content from the device. Note that if you withdraw a document and then update the distribution package, Vault will automatically re-send the document.

These options appear automatically in the Actions menu for any document that’s been sent to CLM. By default, the CRM Content Lifecycle withdraws documents as an entry action for the Expired state.

Deleting documents from the Vault will also withdraw them from CLM.

Note that you cannot use the withdraw actions on binders, but can expire them through lifecycle state changes.

Distributing CLM Content to China

If your organization distributes content to Chinese customers, your Admin can enable the shared document field Use China CDN. Then, you can set this field to Yes in the Multichannel Properties section of the Doc Info page to indicate that Vault should replicate the content to the China-hosted CDN.

Document Fields

The following document fields appear on documents or binders when using CLM Integration. All Multichannel document fields are shared fields. Although these fields apply primarily to Presentation and Slide document types, Admins can add the following document fields to any document type:

Field Document Type Function
Publish for Veeva CRM (CLM) Presentation, Slide Indicates whether the document is valid content to send to CLM
Publish for Veeva CRM (Web link) Presentation, Slide Indicates if the document can be shared as a web link from CRM
Publish for Veeva CRM (Remote CLM) Presentation, Slide Indicates if the document can be shared during a remote CLM session from CRM
CRM Manually Assigned Content Template Presentation, Slide Indicates one or more CRM Message Templates available to CRM users when sending presentations as web links
CRM Target Platform Presentation, Slide Indicates if the content is optimized to work with a specific CRM platform.
Presentation ID Presentation External ID of the presentation binder, used for “gotoSlide” references
CRM Searchable Description Presentation Description that is searchable in CRM
Start Date Presentation Date when the presentation becomes available (in CRM) for users to record calls against
End Date Presentation Date when the presentation becomes unavailable for users (in CRM) to record calls against
Hide from CLM Library Presentation Indicates whether the presentation is hidden (in CRM) in the “CLM Presentations” view and the presentation picker
Training Presentation Makes the presentation viewable (in CRM) for training, but not for detailing
CRM Directory Presentation Indicates the directory in which the presentation displays in CRM; note that this is an object field that refers to the Directory object.
Survey Presentation Aligns with External_ID_vod__C on Survey_vod in CRM; note that this is an object field that refers to the Survey object.
CRM Searchable Keywords Presentation This field supports tagging in CLM for CRM users who search for CLM Presentations; note that this is an object field that refers to the Keyword object.
Enable Survey Overlay Presentation Indicates if a “CLM Survey Overlay” should apply when the presentation displays in CRM
Disable Actions Slide Indicates which actions should be disabled for the slide in CRM on iPad:
- Swipe refers to swiping left/right to move to the next/previous slide.
- Pinch to Exit refers to pinching the screen to exit the media player.
- Zoom refers to magnification on the slide.
- Rotation Lock refers to rotating the slide between portrait and landscape mode.
- History Buttons refers to buttons for navigating to previous CLM slides.
- Navigation Bar refers to CLM slide navigation bar.
Segment Slide Indicates the segment for which the slide (key message) should display; if blank, the slide displays for all accounts that are not aligned with a segment.
Custom Reaction Slide If populated, hides the reaction buttons when viewing the slide in CRM
Detail Group Slide Aligns with the Detail Group field in CRM; this field contains additional product information like a product description or therapeutic area
CLM ID Slide CLM ID for Veeva CRM
iOS Viewer Slide Select WKWebView for an improved view of HTML CLM on iOS 10 or later. Leave blank to use legacy view of HTML CLM.
Shared Resource Slide Indicates if the document will be used as a “Shared Resource” in CLM
CRM Media Type Slide Indicates the type of document content: image, PDF, PPTX, HTML, or video; this helps ensure that Vault treats the distribution package correctly.
Source Vault Link Slide Link to the source document that this document was copied from.
HTML File Name Slide (CLM Preview only) You need to populate this field if the main HTML page in the ZIP is not named index.html. Vault does not require or validate this field, but the CLM Preview will not display the HTML if the field value is not correct.
iOS Resolution Slide Indicates the resolution to use when displaying the slide on an iPad

Note that Vault does not support Security Overrides on any document fields used for CLM Integration.

iOS Resolution

CLM content can render in the native iPad resolution for 10.5”, 11”, and 12.9” iPads starting in 20R1. The document field iOS Resolution (ios_resolution__v) allows you to control how CRM adjusts and renders content:

  • Default for Device displays in the device’s native resolution.
  • Scale to 1024×768 fixes the resolution and displays the content centered and letterboxed.
  • Scale to Fit stretches the content to full screen.

If the field is not populated, CRM will automatically set it to Scale to 1024×768.

About Slide & Presentation Document Types

Vault uses two document types for CLM content: Multichannel Slide for documents representing individual CRM slides/key messages and Multichannel Presentation for binders representing a CLM presentation. Depending on when your Vault enabled CLM Integration, the labels for these document types may be different:

  • Multichannel Slide may be Slide
  • Multichannel Presentation may be Presentation

Admins can also rename these document types if needed, so your Vault may not use any of these labels. This difference only affects the names and labels for the document types. It does not affect how you use CLM Integration.


By default, the CRM Searchable Description and CRM Target Platform document fields are inactive. To use these fields, an Admin must activate them and add them to the appropriate document types.