Multichannel auto-publishing (previously single document multichannel publishing) lets you manage the distribution, creation, versioning, and withdrawal of multichannel content directly from an original document. You can configure CRM rendition settings and behaviors to specify which document types are available in CRM, as well which file types (PowerPoint, PDF, Word, or video) are available. With multichannel auto-publishing, Vault automatically generates multichannel content when you set the multichannel content fields (CLM or Engage) to Yes.

Creating CRM Rendition Settings

CRM rendition settings allow you to specify which document types are available within CRM.

To create CRM rendition settings:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Settings > CRM Rendition Settings.
  2. Click the Create button.
  3. Select CLM or Engage from the picklist and click Continue.
  4. Fill in the details for the rendition settings.
  5. Optional: Set Use PPTX page title to Yes to use PowerPoint slide titles as the Title or Description for each Multichannel Slide document.
  6. Click Save. To create another CRM renditions setting, click Save + Create. You cannot create a new CRM rendition setting that has the same document type and object type as an existing CRM rendition setting.

Title & Description Fields

When you create multiple slides from a PowerPoint document, the Use PPTX page title field lets Vault auto-fill the Title field (in MedComms Vaults) or Description field (in PromoMats Vaults) on the new Multichannel Slide documents using individual PowerPoint slide titles. If you opt not to select this option, the integration simply appends the slide number onto the Title or Description field.

To use this option, the source file for the original document must use PPTX format, for example, cholecap_safety_hcp_presentation.pptx. An Admin can then use Compare Map from the CLM Admin page within CRM. See Syncing Metadata Between Vault and CRM.

Creating CRM Rendition Behaviors

You can set up CRM rendition behaviors to determine how documents display within CRM by selecting an applicable file type.

To create a CRM rendition behavior:

  1. From within a CRM Rendition Setting record, click Create.
  2. Select a File Type.
  3. Select a CRM Rendition. Available options depend on the selected file type.
  4. Optional: Update the Status.
  5. Click Save. To create another CRM rendition behavior, click Save + Create.

Note that you cannot create a new CRM Rendition Behavior that has the same document type and object type as an existing CRM Rendition Behavior.

CRM Renditions

The following CRM Renditions determine how documents display in CRM:

CRM Rendition Description
Multi-Slide Presentation Presentation consisting of multiple slides. This is available for PDF, PowerPoint, and Word file types
Single-Slide PDF Presentation consisting of a single slide PDF document. This is available for PDF, PowerPoint, and Word file types.
PowerPoint Presentation Presentation consisting of a single slide PowerPoint document. This is only available for the PowerPoint file type.
Single-Slide Video Presentation consisting of a single slide video content. This is only available for the video file type.

Only active CRM Rendition Settings and Behaviors apply. Creating, changing or deleting CRM Rendition Settings do not affect the current multichannel renditions available for documents. When documents are subsequently created or updated, the changes apply against the current CRM Rendition Settings. You should not create CRM Rendition Settings for Multichannel Presentation and slide document types because rendition settings for these document types are automatically generated.

CRM Rendition Overrides

While configuring CRM Rendition Setting Behaviors, you can also create CRM Rendition Overrides, which allow Vault to override the default configuration for CLM content for a specific document.

To create a rendition override, add the CRM Rendition Override field to document types as desired.

Once added, users can select a rendition override when necessary. Vault uses the CRM Rendition Override field value when present.

Generating & Distributing Multichannel Content

When you set the multichannel (CLM or Engage) content field to Yes on a document, Vault checks if there is an applicable CRM Rendition based on the current active CRM Rendition Settings. If there are settings available, Vault generates the multichannel content in the background.

To generate multichannel content, Vault creates Multichannel Presentation and Distribution records, as well as the appropriate slide-level renditions distributed to CRM. The records created are system-managed records. You can report on these object records, but Admins should not modify them.

Vault automatically manages Multichannel Presentation and Distribution records and the distribution of the associated content when appropriate. This is based on the state of the document as users version the document and move it through its lifecycle. Vault manages both a Staged and an Approved version of a document to send to CRM. The Staged version reflects the most recent version of the document, while the Approved version reflects the Steady state version of the document. Creating a new draft version updates the Staged presentation in CRM, and promoting a version to Steady state updates the Approved version of the presentation in CRM.

Setting the Publish for Veeva CRM (CLM) or Publish for Veeva CRM (Engage) option to No, setting the document to Obsolete state, or deleting documents expires corresponding presentations in CRM. You cannot perform multichannel auto-publishing while another auto-publishing job is already scheduled for a document.

Distributing Multichannel Content to China

To distribute multichannel content to China, Vault must replicate the content to a China-hosted CDN. Admins must enable the shared document field Use China CDN. Then, you can set the field to Yes in the Multichannel Properties section of the Doc Info page to indicate that the content should be replicated.

Managing Documents

When users make a change to a document that prompts multichannel auto-publishing, users receive a notification when publishing is complete. Processing time depends on the size of the file and the CRM Rendition generated. For example, processing a 200-slide PPTX file as a multi-slide presentation will take longer than processing it as a single-slide PDF.

Multichannel auto-publishing retains dynamic link content from PowerPoint presentations and converts source documents into HTML in order to retain intra-document links and external links. Multichannel auto-publishing does not retain dynamic link content for any other file types when generating a Multi-slide Presentation. To retain dynamic link content for Word and PDF files, configure CRM Rendition Behavior for these file types to generate Single-slide PDF presentations.

Displaying Videos in CLM

As of the 23R1.4 release, when auto-publishing multichannel content from PPTX files with embedded videos, Vault displays a clickable link within the video slide. Users can click the link to play the rendered video. Vault also creates a new Distribution object record for the video slide containing the ZIP file.

Vault supports playback for the following video file types:

  • ASF (.asf)
  • AVI (.avi)
  • MPEG (.mpg, .mpeg)
  • MPEG-4 (.mp4)
  • QuickTime (.mov, .m4v)
  • WMV (.wmv)


Vault does not support video playback on:

  • Distribution packages generated for PowerPoint presentations before the 23R1.4 release
  • Video slides created using the Create Presentation feature
  • Videos embedded in PPT files*

* In this case, Vault generates a PNG from the first frame of the video.

Allowing Auto-Published Content Downloads from the HCP Content Player

You can control whether a download button displays in the HCP Content Player for an auto-published CLM presentation in Veeva CRM, allowing HCPs to view the content without an internet connection and save a copy for reference. See Allowing Auto-Published Content Downloads from the HCP Content Player in Veeva CRM Help for more information.