Vault Medical provides the ability to create and manage reusable scientific statements through the Scientific Statements (annotation_keywords__sys) object.

The Scientific Statement object includes the following standard objects to manage data:

  • The Statement Variation (match_text_variation__sys) object is a child of the Scientific Statement object and contains a variation of the Scientific Statement’s statement. Each Scientific Statement record can have up to five (5) associated Statement Variation records.
  • The Scientific Statement Target (annotation_keyword_targets__sys) allows a statement to be associated with multiple Link Targets.
  • The Link Target (link_target__sys) contains information for link destinations, including target type and document information. Vault automatically creates one Link Target for each document version with a type, subtype, or classification that is enabled as a suggested link target.

The Scientific Statement object (annotation_keywords__sys) contains the following standard fields:

  • Name: Vault generates this field automatically.
  • Statement: The exact text of the statement. The Statement must be between five (5) and 1500 characters. This text must match the text of the reference document exactly. For example, a Scientific Statement with the statement “Cholecap works faster” will match to a document with the text “Cholecap works faster than competitors” but not to one with the text “Cholecap works quicker.”
  • Category: The type of statement, such as Efficacy or Clinical Study Information. Admins can configure values for this picklist according to their team’s needs.
  • Primary Product: This is an object reference field where Admins can select the Primary Product associated with the statement. You may add additional products in the Products section on a Scientific Statement Info Page.
  • Primary Country: This is an object reference field where Admins can select the Primary Country where the statement is applicable. You may add additional countries in the Countries section of a Scientific Statement Info Page.

Admins can add additional fields, including up to five (5) additional matching fields, to the Scientific Statement object and configure object relationships according to their team’s needs. Use caution when adding additional fields as they can constrain matching.

About Matching Fields

Vault uses matching fields to match statement records to documents.

  • All standard and custom object reference and picklist fields (except Category) can function as matching fields if they exist on both the Scientific Statement object and the document type. Only object reference and picklist fields can operate as matching fields.
  • A blank field on a statement will match to any document. For example, a statement with a value of “Cholecap” in the Primary Product field and a blank value in the Primary Country field will match with documents with any value in the Country field as long as they include “Cholecap” in the Product field.
  • A blank field on a document will not match to a Scientific Statement record that has a value populated in that field.
  • If a picklist or object reference field exists on a statement but does not exist on a document, that field will not operate as a matching field and will not impact matching.
  • If a field contains multiple values, only one value must match. For example, a statement with the values “fever” and “headache” in the Condition field will match to a document with the values “fever” and “fatigue” in the Condition field.
  • Objects can have multi-value picklist fields, but they cannot have multi-value object reference fields.
  • Document types can have multi-value picklist and multi-value object reference fields.
  • Vault does not use Category as a matching field.

There must be an exact match on Statement values for Vault Medical to suggest a link.

About Scientific Statements

Users can automate the generation of reference links on statements found in documents. Admins can configure statements and associated references, allowing users to create four types of link annotations: Suggested Links, Approved Links, Auto-Accepted Links, and Manual Links.