Distribution package renditions are ZIP files with a format that can display in CRM. For a given document, the distribution package rendition may be auto-generated from a source file or manually uploaded by a user. In either case, Vault only supports ASCII characters in the source content filename.

Auto-Generated Distribution Packages

For Vault to auto-generate a package, the Publish for Veeva CRM (CLM) or Publish for Veeva CRM (Portals) field must be set to Yes on a multichannel slide. Vault generates different renditions depending on the CRM Media Type field:

File Type Rendition Name Notes
Image Veeva Distribution Package Distribution ZIP includes the full size image in PNG file format (image.png) and a thumbnail version (thumb.png)
PDF Veeva Distribution Package Distribution ZIP includes the PDF file (pdf.pdf) and a thumbnail version (thumb.png)
PPTX Veeva Distribution Package Distribution ZIP includes the PowerPoint file (.pptx) and a thumbnail version (thumb.png). Note that Vault only auto-generates a distribution package for PowerPoint files via the Create Presentation user action.
HTML Veeva Distribution Package Distribution ZIP includes all HTML (index.html), a thumbnail version (thumb.png), a JavaScript Library, and an Assets directory with image files.
Video CLM Video Distribution Package CLM-only: Distribution ZIP contains the video in MP4 file format (video.mp4), a poster image (poster.png) generated from two seconds into the video (to display prior to playing the video), and thumbnail image (thumb.png)
Video Veeva Distribution Package Engage-only: Distribution ZIP contains a poster image (poster.png) generated from two seconds into the video (to display prior to playing the video), and thumbnail image (thumb.png); this package also includes multiple video renditions to support streaming videos at different bandwidths

Vault does not automatically create the distribution package for HTML files.

Manually Uploaded Distribution Packages

If your content is HTML, you can use your own ZIP file as a distribution package rendition. For HTML content, simply upload the ZIP as the Multichannel Slide document’s source file. When you upload the source file, Vault:

  • Uses the ZIP filename to populate the document field File Name
  • Extracts an image to use as the document’s source file and to generate a viewable rendition
  • Uses the ZIP file as the distribution package rendition

To replace an existing distribution package rendition, you can delete the existing rendition and upload your ZIP file as a distribution package rendition.

Uploaded distribution packages must meet specific requirements:

  • Use the CLM publishing format.
  • Do not use non-UTF8 characters in the filename.
  • Use ZIP file format.

For more information about packaging ZIP files, see the CRM documentation.

Automatic Source File Selection

To select an image source file and generate a viewable rendition, Vault uses the following order of selection to search the first and second levels of the ZIP file. Filenames are not case-sensitive.

  • poster.png
  • thumb.png
  • *-full.jpg
  • *-full.png
  • *-thumb.jpg
  • *-thumb.png

Editing Auto-Generated Distribution Packages

If Vault auto-generated a distribution package for your CLM content, there are some edits that you can make to that package:

  • Poster Image: Replace the generated poster image using the Upload option from the Renditions panel in the Doc Info page. This is only an option for videos: it requires the CRM Media Type field to be set to Video.
  • Thumbnail Image: Replace the generated thumbnail image using the Upload option from the Renditions panel in the Doc Info page.

The file you select to replace a poster or thumbnail image must use an image file format that Vault supports. See a list of supported formats.